Dynegy/IPH Negotiations Update

On Wednesday July 22, 2015 the Local 51 bargaining committee met with Dynegy/IPH.  The committee made a comprehensive proposal which contained items generated from input received from the membership after rejecting the June 12th package.

The Company rejected the proposal in hand basically saying they had nothing left to move on and could not provide any economic enhancements.  The Federal Mediator met with both parties throughout the day.  In the end the Company agreed to two (2) minor changes to the already rejected package.

They agreed that if the LTD benefit of 40%, at no premium cost to the employee, was increased for non-union employees it would also be increased for Local 51 members.  They also agreed to change the 65 age limit for the 60 months of retiree medical to the Medicare eligibility age (in case it is raised from the current eligibility age of 65).

The Company presented the changes as part of a last, best, and final offer.

With the package now being the Company’s last, best, and final offer the committee decided they must add strike authorization to the ballot.  Even with the disappointing number of improvements to the package they are recommending a “Yes” vote on the last, best, and final offer.

Explanation and voting meetings will be scheduled over the next two weeks.  Notices will be sent to all employees when we have a final schedule confirmed.

Your Bargaining Committee,

Emmanuel Reed
Doug Freres
Troy Hackman
Tom Pinkham
Tony Roberson
Ralph Stone
Gerry Eakle
John Johnson